Tape Backup

Network Backup for Data Protection and Disaster Recovery

iSCSI Disk to Disk to Tape network backup solutions combine the highest levels of data protection, performance, and affordability.

Disk Based Virtual Tape Library

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Consolidate Multi-Host Networks Onto A Single Solution And Save Money.

  • Cut your backup times significantly with disk to disk speeds and by running multiple backups simultaineously. Our virtual tape units reduce the backup window, not expand it. 

  • Encryption protects sensitive information from loss. All media leaving the data center will be secured by AES 256 bit encryption. No change to equipment or software is needed. On top of that, 256 bit encryption protects you from reportable data loss events. 
  • Save dollars by consolidating multiple backup processes. Multiple systems can share a single unit: as well as tape equipment. All of the systems can economically share tapesupplies and resources. 

  • Implementation is minimal. This is due to the fact that no changes are required in your infrastructure. You can be operational in no time: and with no i'll effects to your system.